Table 1

28/01/2011 16:45

 The present study assesses association between physical violence during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes. The study underlines that the situation of women attending antenatal clinic is quite severe in terms of violence they experience in the marital home.


Table 1:

 Number of bodies registered under PC & PNDT Act 1994

S. No.                  


No. of bodies registered



 Andhra Pradesh                                         






Arunachal Pradesh














































8                            Haryana 903

9                         Himachal Pradesh 180

10 Jammu & Kashmir 4

11 Jharkhand 233

12 Karnataka 1929

13 Kerala 999

14 Madhya Pradesh 1002

15 Maharashtra 4829

16 Manipur 25

17 Meghalaya 22

18 Mizoram 14

19 Nagaland 14

20 Orissa 321

21 Punjab 1227

22 Rajasthan 1040

23 Sikkim 11

24 Tamil Nadu 2693

25 Tripura 43

26 Uttaranchal 284

27 Uttar Pradesh 2617

28 West Bengal 912

29 A & N. Island 6

30 Chandigarh 66

31 D. & N. Haveli 7

32 Daman & Diu 12

33 Delhi 1860

34 Lakshadweep 9

35 Pondicherry 38

 Total 26954

Note: The bodies registered include the following:

GCC - Genetic Counseling Centres; GL - Genetic Laboratories; GC - Genetic Clinics

USC/IC - Ultrasound Clinics/Imaging Centres;

JAGCC/GL/GC- Jointly as Genetic Counseling Centres/Gen. Labs./Gen. Clinics.

MC(V) - Mobile Clinics (Vehicles); OB/IVFC/IC- Other bodies/IVF Centres/Infertility

Centres16     Implementation of the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act

Table 2: Year-wise number of bodies registered

(As on March, 2005)

S. No. State/UT 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 Total

1 Andhra Pradesh 1713 181 225 22 2141

2 Arunachal Pradesh 12 - - 4 16

3 Assam 170 23 32 41 266

4 Bihar 327 35 47 87 496

5 Chhattisgarh 83 172 30 33 318

6 Goa 69 8 10 15 102

7 Gujarat 1386 450 189 290 2315

8 Haryana 649 141 63 50 903

9 Himachal Pradesh 107 39 14 20 180

10 Jammu & Kashmir 4 - - - 4

11 Jharkhand 116 - - 117 233

12 Karnataka 972 434 96 427 1929

13 Kerala 533 208 161 97 999

14 Madhya Pradesh 630 144 171 57 1002

15 Maharashtra 2861 663 713 592 4829

16 Manipur 20 1 3 1 25

17 Meghalaya 14 4 3 1 22

18 Mizoram  11 - - 3 14

19 Nagaland 2 3 - 9 14

20 Orissa 156 80 43 42 321

21 Punjab 852 170 106 99 1227

22 Rajasthan 663 152 145 80 1040

23 Sikkim 4 2 4 1 11

24 Tamil Nadu 1625 419 490 159 2693

25 Tripura 32 2 5 4 43

26 Uttaranchal 144 53 47 40 284

27 Uttar Pradesh 1021 824 336 436 2617

28 West Bengal 481 119 105 207 912

29 A & N. Island 6 - - - 6

30 Chandigarh 46 8 9 3 66

31 D. & N. Haveli 3 3 1 7

32 Daman & Diu 5 3 3 1 12

33 Delhi 1088 337 239 196 1860

34 Lakshadweep 9 - - - 9

35 Pondicherry 29 3 4 2 38

 Total 15843 4678 3296 3137 26954

Note: The bodies registered include the following:

GCC- Genetic Counseling Centres; GL   - Genetic Laboratories; GC   -Genetic Clinics

USC/IC – Ultrasound Clinics/Imaging Centres;

JAGCC/GL/GC- Jointly as Genetic Counseling Centres/Gen. Labs./Gen. Clinics.

MC(V) – Mobile Clinics (Vehicles); OB/IVFC/IC- Other bodies/IVF Centres/Infertility CentresStatus of Implementation      17

Table 3: Registeration by types of bodies

(As on March, 2005)

S. No. State / UT Type of body





OB /



1 Andhra Pradesh 258 320 499 340 692 20 12 2141

2 Arunachal Pradesh - - - 16 - - - 16

3 Assam - - - 266 - - - 266

4 Bihar - - - 488 8 - - 496

5 Chhattisgarh 22 35 101 155 2 3 318

6 Goa 1 - - 98 3  - 102

7 Gujarat 268 44 732 265 947 8 51 2315

8 Haryana 66 - - 831 - 6 - 903

9 Himachal Pradesh - - - 180 - - - 180

10 Jammu & Kashmir - - - 4 - - - 4

11 Jharkhand - - - 233 - - - 233

12 Karnataka 2 20 107 1486 229 43 42 1929

13 Kerala - - - - 999 - - 999

14 Madhya Pradesh 3 10  894 95  - 1002

15 Maharashtra 12 23 106 4468 172 30 18 4829

16 Manipur - - - 25 - - - 25

17 Meghalaya - - - 22 - - - 22

18 Mizoram - - 14 - - - - 14

19 Nagaland - - - 14 - - - 14

20 Orissa - - - 321 - - - 321

21 Punjab 68 - - 1098 49 6 6 1227

22 Rajasthan - - - 1040 - - - 1040

23 Sikkim - - - 11 - - - 11

24 Tamil Nadu - - - - 2693 - - 2693

25 Tripura - - 0 43 - - - 43

26 Uttaranchal - - - 284 - - - 284

27 Uttar Pradesh 242 3 215 2034 106 4 13 2617

28 West Bengal 1 1 1 909 - - - 912

29 A & N. Island - - - 6 - - - 6

30 Chandigarh - - - 66 - - - 66

31 D. & N. Haveli - - - 7 - - - 7

32 Daman & Diu - - - 12 - - - 12

33 Delhi 211 222 462 159 774 30 2 1860

34 Lakshadweep - - - - 9 - - 9

35 Pondicherry 2 - 36 - - - - 38

Total 1156 678 2273 15775 6776 149 147 26954

Note: The bodies registered include the following:

GCC- Genetic Counseling Centres; GL   - Genetic Laboratories; GC   -Genetic Clinics

USC/IC - Ultrasound Clinics/Imaging Centres;

JAGCC/GL/GC- Jointly as Genetic Counseling Centres/Gen. Labs./Gen. Clinics.

MC(V) - Mobile Clinics (Vehicles); OB/IVFC/IC- Other bodies/IVF Centres/Infertility Centres






  Page | 38


In Haryana, 23 doctors have been punished under Pre Natal Diagnostic techniques Act (PNDT Act) , whereas 2 persons have been punished under Medical pregnancy Termination Act. Stating this Haryana Health Minister Mrs Geeta Bhukkal said at Chandigarh today that Government is taking effective steps to tackle the Male-Female ratio in the state. She said that Authorities till now sealed around 125 Ultrasound Machines under different Acts. Moreover, registration of 216 Ultrasound centres have been suspended or cancelled in the state. She said that Haryana is the first state in the country ,where first three cases under PNDT Act have been registered in the courts. Mrs Bhukkal said that Govt has involved Village Panchayats, NGO`S and journalists for effective implementation of the Acts.


What are the qualifications for doing ultrasound under PNDT act? Are MBBS doctors with one year experience allowed to do Ultrasound scan?  



anything...they get PAID for thier services...and yes, they are misusing the ultrasound machines to determine the sex of the child. My dear, dont do chamcha giri for these doctors. They are like black spots dey dont go killin girls...yes yaar then only the nation can should be happen d only in rural area where people thinks that there is gals doesnt need any qualification,...Education is least



Need to amend PNDT Act to check unlawful practices, says HC

Voicing concerns over the non-effective implementation of the law to prevent pre-natal sex determination tests, the Delhi High Court has suggested that the Central government plug the loopholes in the legislation.

“The absence of clear rules and guidelines spelling out unambiguously the qualification, training and experience required for operating a diagnostic clinic offering ultrasound tests, has resulted in unethical practices... going unchecked,” noted Justice S Muralidhar in his order.

The court said the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act (PNDT Act) should be amended and asked the authorities to conduct a comprehensive survey after consulting the experts in the medical fraternity and education. As a result of the ambiguity in defining the term ‘sonologist’ under the PNDT Act, the growth of diagnostic clinics could not be effectively regulated, the court observed.


What every Radiologist should know about PNDT Act

“The Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act.”


“An Act to provide for the prohibition of sex selection, before or after conception, and for regulation of pre-natal diagnostic techniques for the purposes of detecting abnormalities or metabolic disorders or chromosomal abnormalities or certain congenital malformations or sex-linked disorders and for the prevention of their misuse for sex determination leading to female foeticide and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.”

·       This article is for our Indian audiences.


Must be read by every Radiologist who performs Obstetric Ultrasound. 



To the Chief Medical Officer of the district; or any other medical officer constituted as an appropriate authority


Application fee:

(a) Rs.3000.00 for  Ultrasound Clinic or Imaging Centre.

(b) Rs.4000.00 for an institute, hospital, nursing home, or any place providing jointly the service of Ultrasound Clinic or Imaging Centre or any combination thereof..


Displays at Ultrasound center:

1. PNDT Certificate:

 It is mandatory for everybody registered under this Act to display the certificate of registration at a conspicuous place in such centre, laboratory or clinic.

2. Signage, board or banner in English & local language indicating fetal sex is not disclosed here.


Renewal of Registration

A. Every certificate of registration is valid for a period of 5 years

B. Renew registration 30 days before the date of expiry of the certificate of registration.





Editor SHUBHAM JOSHI 91 79765 56860

Press & head Office –
Chopasani village near resort marugarh
Jodhpur rajasthan

Phone no 0291-2760171


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मालूम नहीं

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सोनिया-राहुल नहीं लेंगे भत्ता

27/11/2010 18:26
 टू जी स्पेक्ट्रम मामले पर संसद में शुक्रवार को लगातार 11वें दिन भी गतिरोध बरकरार रहा। जेपीसी की जिद छोड़ने के लिए विपक्ष को मनाने में नाकाम सत्तापक्ष ने अब नैतिक दबाव बनाना शुरू कर दिया है। कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी और राहुल गांधी समेत कांग्रेस के 80 सांसदों ने संसद ठप रहने पर अपना दैनिक भत्ता नहीं लेने का फैसला किया है। हालांकि विपक्षी दल भाजपा ने इसे कांग्रेस की मुद्दे से ध्यान हटाने की एक चाल करार दिया है।  13 दिसंबर तक सत्र चलाने के रुख पर कायम लोकसभा में सदन के नेता और...


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